TITLE: Silenzio e meditazione: una via di transformazione. /Silence and meditation: A way to transformation.?
TITLE: The interface between rational emotive behavior therapy (REBT) and Zen.?
TITLE: The altered state: A missing link in ego state theory??
TITLE: Being present: Experiential connections between Zen Buddhist practices and the grieving process.?
TITLE: Changes in self-concept, ego defense mechanisms, and religiosity following seven-day Vipassana meditation retreats.?
TITLE: On the stages of perception: Towards a synthesis of cognitive neuroscience and the Buddhist Abhidhamma tradition.?
TITLE: Habit, health and happiness.?
TITLE: East meets West: Parallels between Zen Buddhism and social psychology.?
TITLE: Self-awareness of participants in a long-term Tibetan Buddhist retreat.?
TITLE: Comments in response to "The altered state: A missing link in ego state theory?".?
TITLE: Buddhist teachers' experience with extreme mental states in western meditators.?
TITLE: Meditation and mental health.?
TITLE: Selected alternative training techniques in HRD.?
TITLE: Final word: A rejoinder.?
TITLE: Invited reaction: Selected alternative training t echniques in HRD.?
TITLE: The Zen connection.?
TITLE: Using meditative techniques in psychotherapy.?
TITLE: The Buddhist six-worlds model of consciousness and reality.?
TITLE: "Bartlett's way" and social representations: The case of Zen transmitted across cultures.?
TITLE: Recent trends in clinical psychological intervention (methods based on other than behaviour therapy).?
TITLE: Reflection and presence: The dialectic of self-knowledge.?
TITLE: Revelatory openness wedded with the clarity of unknowing: Psychoanalytic evenly suspended attention, the phenomenological attitude, and meditative awareness.?
TITLE: Integrating contemplative psychotherapy and counseling: Combining East and West.?
TITLE: Selfhood and identity in Con fucianism, Taoism, Buddhism, and Hinduism: Contrasts with the West.?
TITLE: Cultural considerations in the assessment and treatment of religious and spiritual problems.?
TITLE: In search of the self: Zen Buddhism and psychoanalysis. Special Section: Psychoanalysis and mysticism.?
TITLE: The Lac k of Self in Psychotherapy and Buddhism?
TITLE: Standing Out and Standing In: The Psychology of Control in America and Japan?
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