Reading Room...
Links to Literature on the Internet
Articles on Zen Psychology or Buddhistic Psychology
The Scientist Points Her Telescope East, and Spies the Back of Her Head
"Cognitive aspects of Buddhist philosophy."
by J. Niimi
Analytical psychology and Buddhism of Nichiren Daishonin
from the CG Jung Page site by Erika Gsell
Buddhist Psychology
in Psybernetica, Winter, 1996
from mindis.com
Buddhist Practice and Postmodern Psychotherapy
from mindis.com
Oriental Psychology
by V. George Mathew
Psychotherapy and Zen
Zen Master Bon Soeng
I can't say I agree with his final comment but I thought the article was interesting, nonetheless!
The Benefits of Zen Meditation in Addiction and Recovery
"A handbook for addicts and those in recovery, and their families."
by Mary Heath for the Zen Group of Western Australia, 1997
Buddhist Psychology
A series of essays.
A great set of links by dmoz.org
Buddhism as a Psychotherapy
By Ven. Bhante Punnaji
Sound body, strong researcher
APA Monitor article on a Buddhistic spin on psychiatric mentoring
by Deborah Smith
Towards a Buddhist Psychotherapy
by C. George Boeree, Ph.D., Shippensburg University
Buddhist psychology
by Eric Pettifor
Buddhist psychology: A review of theory and practice
mirror site
by Padmal, Silva
Buddhist Meditation and Personal Construct Psychology
by Phouttasone (Pilou) Thirakoul
Buddhist Meditation and Depth Psychology
by Douglas M. Burns
Tenets of Buddhist Psychotherapy
A review of Mark Epstein's "Thoughts Without a Thinker."
Articles on Meditation & Health
Buddhists 'really are happier'
A recent BBC article.
Meditation Shown to Light Up Brains of Buddhists
A recent Yahoo! (Reuters) article.
A Monk in the Lab
An article about being a research participant from the perspective of a monk.
Times of Tibet Magazine
Achieving Flow
Using Zen to enhance sport performance.
A Monk in the Lab
An article about being a research participant from the perspective of a monk.
Times of Tibet Magazine
Sress Management using meditation
provided by University of Nebraska Dept. of Psychology
Finding the peace within us
APA Monitor article on mindfulness meditation for wellness of client and practitioner
by Bridget Murray
A Therapy Gains Ground in Hospitals: Meditation
NY Times
Mantras Become Mainstream Medicine
USA Today, Aug. 9, 2000 By John Morgan
Meditation is becoming more mainstream
"New found interest in meditation is sparked by the discovery of its physiological effects."(APA Monitor, Sept.'97)
Successful Practice Based on Mind/Body Connection
from the APA Monitor
HealthWorld: Meditation and Relaxation
Nice overview by Daniel Redwood, D.C.
Introduction to Meditation by Alan Wagener
From www.greensense.com
Living with Pain
Using meditation to live with pain
Behavior Online: Meditation in Psychotherapy
Thread-style discussion site
Physiological Aspects of Meditation
A literature review I wrote for a graduate class in 2001.
Other Articles Related to Psychology and Eastern Philosophy
Desperately Seeking Spirituality
from Psychology Today
Buddhist Texts
Zen Texts Online
Intl. Research Institute for Zen Buddhism (IRIZ)
Buddhist Text Downloads
in the CyberSangha Buddhist Library
Online Journal & Magazines
Buddhist "Pop-Culture" Magazine
Examining New Perspectives in Western Buddhism
Journal of Buddhist Ethics
Award-winning site
Et Cetera
The Religious Experience: East, West, Everywhere
Suler's comparison of D.T. Suzuki, William James, and A. Maslow
About Humanistic Psychology
Overview, history, and bibliography
Check out this DILBERT!
Physical and Stress-Reducing effects of Meditation, Biofeedback and Relaxation Response
Relaxation Techniques, General Theory
East-West Issues in Psychology
Books listed under several subheadings.
My own ramblings on the subject
Is Psychology a Science?
What is Zen?
Is Zen a Religion?
Zen Psychology
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